Document Details
Document Type |
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Thesis |
Document Title |
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the political history of the city of Valensia from the era of Morabitoon up to its fall in the hands of Christians ( 495-636 AH-1102-1238G). تاريخ مدينة بلنسية السياسي من عهد المرابطين حتى سقوطها في يد النصارى (495-636هـ/1102-1238م) |
Subject |
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the political history of the city of Valensia from the era of Morabitoon up to its fall in the hands of Christians ( 495-636 AH-1102-1238G). |
Document Language |
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Arabic |
Abstract |
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This study talked the political history of the city of Valensia from the era of Morabitoon up to its fall in the hands of Christians ( 495-636 AH-1102-1238G).
The study showed the political role played by this city as base for East Andulus within the era of Morabitoon and Mowahidoon through the event experience by the city during the period forming the subject of study . The study highlighted the role of external Christian greediness and internal ordeals of the disturbance of the political rule system in the city. Further the study explained the Jihad role of this city endeavoring to hinder the La Reconquista during the regimes of boom and power of each of the states of Morabitoon and Mowahidoon.
Also the study showed the disturbed political situation experienced by the city and the effect of the same on its relation with the neighboring Christian kingdoms whiten about on century and a half through four consecutive political eras.
The first one was the Morabitoon era who controlled Valensia for fifty-four years. The second one was the era of Ibn Mardanish who controlled valensia for twenty-six years. The third one was the era of Mowahidoon who controlled valensia for fifty –eight years. The fourth and last one was the era of Abi Jameel Zian Ibn Mardanish who controlled Valensia for eleven years until the Queen of Aragon Captured Valensia in the year 636AH/1238G.
This study adopted the scientific historical methodology, depending on reading analysis and criticism to come out with historical facts based on relative genuine documents.
This study comprises an introduction, preface, three chapters and conclusion . We considered the matter chronologically and objectively simultaneously.
In the introduction, I showed the subject of study , its importance, objectives and place and time limits in addition to the previous studies and the track of the study.
Thereafter followed by critical study for the most important sources of the study and the references from which I extracted the scientific subject.
Where the preface enlightened the location of the city of Valencia and its economic importance in addition to the political situation before been Controlled over by the Morabitoon.
The first Chapter titled ( Valencia in the era of Morabitoon state)495-539 AH-1102-1144g. presented the political history of the city during the era of Morabitoon. This Chapter comprises three researches. The first research is devoted to acquaintance with first stages domination of the Morabitoon over the city of Valencia (479-488AH/1086-1095G). the second research talked the history of Valencia during the regime of the Quishtalian leader the Combiador over the city who occupied the city in the ear 488AH/1095G. afer surrender of the city to the Morabitoon state in the year 485AH/1092G.)Ason , the third research tackled the political Status of the city after the Morabitoon succeed to recapture the city from the Quishtalians in the year 495AH/1102G.) represented in the policy of the Morabitoon by appointing governors in Valencia in addition to the role of Valensia governonrs from Morabitoon to face Christian Kingdom .
The second chapter titled ( Valencia in the last days of Morabitoon Regime and the beginning of the Mowahidoon era 539-567AH/1144-1171G) pursued the political history of the city during this transitional period between the regime of the Morabitoon and regine of the Mowahidoon First of all it the treated the revolution of Valencia people against the Morabitoon rule in the year 539AH/1144G. Secondary it brought out the rise of the State of Mohammed Ibn Saad Ibn Madanish in Valencia as well as the Characteristics of his internal policy. Thirdly the research tracked the relationship of Ibn Mardanish with the Christian Kingdoms.
Lastly-fourthly the research showed the Mowahidoon domination over Valencia.
Thereafter, comes the third Chapter-which is the last – titled " Valencia in the regime of the Mowahidoon state up to its fall in the hands of Christians ( 567-636AH/1171-1238G).
This Chapter pursued the history of Valencia during this historical epoch. At the beginning. It presented the political status of Valencia during the regime of the Mowahdoon whereas dealt with the governors of Valencia during the regime of the Mowahidoon and the role of the those governors in confronting the Christian Kingdoms. Then dealt with the revolution of ABi Jameel Zian Ibn Mardanish in Valencia. Further, this chapter showed the campaign of Aragon King Khayemi 1 to take over Valencia and his success to do that in the year 636AH/1238G.
The econclusion contains the most important results achieved by this study. Then followed by list of the names of sources and references used. Also the thesis is ended with a number of annexes that could serve the study. |
Supervisor |
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Elham Al Dajani |
Thesis Type |
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Master Thesis |
Publishing Year |
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1424 AH
2004 AD |
Number Of Pages |
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280 |
Added Date |
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 |
وفاء زبن الرحيلي | Alrehily, Wafa Zabin | Researcher | Master | |
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