السيـرة الذاتية

السيرة الذاتية

د. عمر بن عبدالله الحرتومي



المعلومات الشخصية:


د. عمر بن عبدالله الحرتومي

1397H - 1977

استاذ مشارك

 نانو تكنولوجي- فيزياء الجوامد

1-     جامعة الملك عبد العزيز            

        كلية العلوم -قسم الفيزياء                 

                                ص.ب.  80203

         جده 21589                           


تلفون : 0565554255

بريد الكتروني    : oalhartomy@hotmail.com




















عربي + انجليزي



1-       درجة  البكالوريوس – فيزياء  (2001 – 1422  )

جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز- جدة – المملكة العربية السعودية


2-       درجة الماجستير – فيزياء ( 2005- 1426)

              جامعة ويلز-  سوانزي- سوانزي – المملكة المتحدة


3-       درجة الدكتوراه – فيزياء ( 2009- 1430)

              جامعة سوانزي- سوانزي – المملكة المتحدة



الشهادات :







1-       عضو جمعية الفيزياء البريطانية  من  - 1424 / 2003   حتى الان

2-       عضو جمعية الفيزياء السعودية  من  - 1426 / 2005   حتى الان

العضويات العلمية



1-       عميد كلية العلوم  -  جامعة تبوك  2013/1434

2-       مستشار مدير جامعة تبوك لشؤون القبول والتسجيل 1435/2014

3-       عميد القبول والتسجيل - جامعة تبوك 1432/2011 الى 2013/1434

4-       رئيس مركز القياس والتقويم بمقر كلية المجتمع – جامعة تبوك 1433/2012 الى 2013/1434

5-       المشرف على معمل ابحاث النانو – جامعة تبوك 1431/2010 الى الان

6-       وكيل عمادة القبول والتسجيل للشؤون الاكاديمية – جامعة تبوك 1431/2010 الى 1432/2011.

7-       استاذ مشارك بقسم الفيزياء – جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز- 2013/1434 الي الان

8-       استاذ مساعد بقسم الفيزياء – جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز- 1430/ 2009  الى 2013/1434

9-       محاضر بقسم الفيزياء- جامعة سوانزي- بريطانيا 1425/2005 الى 1426/2006

10-   معيد بقسم الفيزياء – جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز 1422/2002 الي 1430/2009


الأعمال الأكاديمية والاداريه

1-       فيزياء عامة 1

2-       فثزياء عامة 2

3-       فيزياء الجوامد

4-       فيزياء الليزر

5-       ديناميكا حرارية

6-       اشعة وكواشف

7-       مشروع بحثي

8-       موضوعات خاصه


المواد الدراسية


1-       رئيس مجلس كلية العلوم جامعة تبوك 1434 -1435

2-       رئيس اللجنة التنفيذية للتعليم الموازي لبرنامج البكالوريوس بكلية العلوم جامعة تبوك 1434 -1435

3-       عضو اللجنة الدائمة للبرامج والخطط الدراسية جامعة تبوك 1434 -1435

4-       عضو اللجنة الاستشارية بجامعة تبوك 1433-1435

5-       رئيس لجنة وظائف الحاسب  جامعة تبوك 1433- 1435

6-       عضو مجلس  جامعة تبوك  1431-1435

7-       عضو اللجنة الدائمة للشؤون الاكاديمية 1431-1435 - جامعة تبوك

8-       عضو اللجنة الدائمة لتأديب الطلاب 1431-1435 - جامعة تبوك

9-       عضو اللجنة الدائمة  للتعلبم والتعلم المساند 1433 – 1434 جامعة تبوك

10-   عضو اللجنة العليا للنشاط الطلابي بجامعة تبوك- 1432/1434 - جامعة تبوك

11-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة العليا لبرنامج الانتساب  المطور 1432-1434 - جامعة تبوك

12-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة للشؤون الاكاديمية بعمادة خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر 1432-1434 - جامعة تبوك

13-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة للطوارىء والكوارث 1432-1434 - جامعة تبوك

14-   عضو اللجنة العليا للإشراف الإداري والمالي على نشاطات التموين الذاتي بالجامعة  1432/1434 - جامعة تبوك

15-   عضو اللجنة التنفيذية لبرنامج التجسير 1432/1434 - جامعة تبوك

16-   رئيس اللجنة الدائمة التنفيذية لبرنامج الانتساب بعمادة القبول والتسجيل 1432-1434 - جامعة تبوك

17-   رئيس لجنة القبول بعمادة القبول والتسجيل 1431/1434 - جامعة تبوك

18-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة لإعداد التقرير السنوي 1431-1434 - جامعة تبوك

19-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة لتطوير المناهج والخطط الدراسية 1431-1433 - جامعة تبوك

20-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة الإشرافية على السنة التحضيرية 1431-1433 - جامعة تبوك

21-   رئيس لجنة المعامل بقسم الفيزياء- 1431-1433 - جامعة تبوك

22-   نائب رئيس اللجنة الدائمة للمتعاونين والعبْ الدراسي1431-1433 - جامعة تبوك

23-   رئيس لجنة الوظائف الادراية والمالية جامعة  تبوك 1431/1432

24-   عضو اللجنة الدائمة لمتابعة فروع الجامعة بالمحافظات 1431/1432 - جامعة تبوك

25-   عضو لجنة الوظائف الادراية جامعة تبوك 1430/1431


1-       مهارات التدريس والاشراف- جامعة ولز- سوانزي- بريطانيا 1424 /2004

2-       مقدمة للحماية من اشعاع الليزر  والتعامل معه- جمعية الحماية الصحيه- سوانزي بريطانيا 1427/2006

3-       حلقة القيادة والابداع- دوره تطويريه –مركز نزيه للاستشارات والتدريب- تبوك 1431/2010


الدورات وورش العمل

المهارات العملية والبحثية



Set up a physics and nano lab

Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

Scanning Near- Field Microscopy  (SNOM)

Raman Spectroscopy analysis (Tip-enhanced Raman nano-Techniques)

632nm  He-Ne Laser ,

488 nm Argon Ion - Ar+ Laser

Semiconductor laser 532 nm


SPMlab Analysis Softwares

Roper Scientific/ WinSpec32

Origin 7

Lab View


SPM analyzer


معامل الأبحاث









برامج الكمبيوتر





1-     A century After Einstein Conference, Participated in the conference by poster presentation titled “Imaging and Characterization of Ni-SiC Schottky Contacts Using Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy and Spectroscopy” 10-14 April 2005 Warwick, UK

2-     I.O.P Nanoscale Physics and Technology Group Annual General meeting, 16 June 2006 Bath, UK.

3-     Quantum Physics of Nanostructures Conference, 18-20 September 2006 Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. 


4-     I.O.P Annual one day meeting and AGM of the Nanoscale Physics and Technology Group, 18 June 2007 Nottingham, UK.


5-     Tip Enhanced Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Conference, Participated in the conference by poster presentation titled” Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Identification of Nano-Semiconductors”, 24-25 January 2008 London, UK.

6-     Saudi International Innovation Conference, Participated in the conference by poster presentation titled “Nano-Raman Spectroscopy Developments Using Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy”, 9-10 June 2008 Leeds, UK.

7-     The 6th  Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, 15-18 June 2010 Azmir, Turkey.

8-     Energy materials and nanotechnology Conference 2012 )EMN(, 16-20 April, Orlando, USA.

9-     NANOTECH MEET, 24 - 26 April 2014 | Hammamet- Tunisia, Member of the International Advisory Board.





1-     O.J. Guy, M. Lodzinski, K. S. Teng, T.G.G Maffeis, M. Tan, I. Blackwood, P.R. Dunstan, O. Al-Hartomy, S.P. Wilks, T. Wilby, N. Rimmer, D. Lewis and J. Hopkins, Investigation of the 4H-SiC surface, Applied Surface Science, 254, Pages 8098-8105 (2008).


2-     M. Lodzinski, A. Perez-Tomas, O.J. Guy, M. Penny,S. Batcup, O. A.  Al-Hartomy, P.R. Dunstan, S.P. Wilks, and P. Igic, Characterization of MOS Interfaces on protected and Un-protected 4H-SiC surfaces, Pages 541-543, Proc. 26th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008), NIS, Serbia, (2008).



3-     Tokeer Ahmad, Aparna Ganguly, Jahangeer Ahmed, Ashok K. Ganguli and Omar A. A. Alhartomy, Nanorods of Transition Metal Oxalates: A Versatile Route to the Oxide Nanoparticles, Arabian Journal of Chemistry,4, Pages 125-134 (2011).


4-     Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, M. Abdel Fatah, Nikolay Dishovsky, Farid El-Tantawy, Influence of Graphite Nanosheets on the Structure and Properties of PVC Based Nanocomposites,  Journal of Applied Polymer Science,120(6), Pages 3628-3634 (2011).


5-     Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, M. A. Ibrahim, Nikolay Dishovsky, Farid El-Tantawy, Pressure Sensors Based on Polyvinyl Chloride/Graphite/Nickel Nanocomposite, Journal of Elastomers and Plastics,43(2), Pages 137-153 (2011).


6-     Omar Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova, Rashko Dimitrov , Farid El-Tantawy, CONDUCTIVE RUBBER BASED COMPOSITES APPLICABLE AS CHEMICAL VAPOR SENSORS, International Review of Chemical Engineering,3(2), Pages 216-221(2011).


7-     Omar Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Vladimir Iliev and Farid El-Tantawy, DIELECTRIC AND MICROWAVE PROPERTIES OF SILICONE RUBBER/TiB2 NANOCOMPOSITES AND CORRELATION BETWEEN THEM, Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe,64(4) Pages 13-18 (2011).


8-     Omar A. Al-Hartomy and M. A. Shah, Synthesis of double wall carbon nanotubes using sulfur as catalyst, Journal of Electronic Packaging,133(2),Pages 020904-020906 (2011).


9-     Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Desislava Slavcheva, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy, Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Natural Rubber Based Composites Containing Fullerene Black, International Review of Chemical Engineering,3(3), Pages 386-391 (2011).


10-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy, CORRELATION BETWEEN VOLUME RESISTIVITY, DIELECTRIC AND MICROWAVE PROPERTIES OF NITRILE BUTADIENE RUBBER/GRAPHITE NANOCOMPOSITES International Review of Chemical Engineering,3(3), Pages 399-405 (2011).


11-   Omar A. Al-Hartomy, M. A. Ibrahim, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Desislava Slavcheva, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy, INFLUENCE OF CARBON BLACK STRUCTURE AND SPECIFIC SURFACE AREA ON THE DIELECTRIC AND MICROWAVE PROPERTIES OF FILLED RUBBER COMPOSITES, Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe, 64(9) Pages 33-38 (2011).


12-  F.M. Al-Marzouki, O.A. Al-Hartomy and M.A. Shah, Preparation of Copper Oxide (CuO) Nanoparticles and their Bactericidal Activity, International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering,1(4), Pages 58-64 ( 2011).


13-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy and M. A. Shah, Safe and Simple Approach to Prepare Hexagonal ZnO Nanostructures in Water, 2010 International Conference on Nanotechnology and Biosensors, IPCBEE vol.2 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore, Pages 139-142.




14-  A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Salamy, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Attieh A. Al-Ghamdi, A. M. Abdel Daiem, Farid El-Tantawy, Thermophysical Properties of Foliated Graphite/Nickel Reinforced Polyvinyl Chloride Nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124(2), Pages 1144–1153 (2012).


15-  MURAT SOYLU, M. CAVAS, A. A. AL-GHAMDI, OMAR A. AL-HARTOMY, FARID EL-TANTAWY, F. YAKUPHANOGLU, The effects of the interfacial layer with interface states on controlling the electronic properties of Au/n-GaAs Schottky diode, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONİCS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS 14(1-2), Pages 61- 66 (2012).


16-  YU LI, A. A. AL-GHAMDI, OMAR A. AL-HARTOMY, FARID EL-TANTAWY, F. YAKUPHANOGLU, Semiconducting properties of nanofiber polyaniline organic semiconductor, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS– RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 6(1-2), pages 235– 238 (2012).


17-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova, Rashko Dimitrov, Farid El-Tantawy, CONDUCTIVE RUBBER BASED NANOCOMPOSITES APPLICABLE AS PRESSURE SENSORS, Research Reviews in Polymers 3(1), Pages 23-31 (2012).


18-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova, Farid El-Tantawy, Rubber Based Nanocomposites Applicable as Sensors in
Smart Tires
, Research-Reviews in Polymers 3(2), Pages 47-54 (2012).


19-  A. A. AL-GHAMDI, OMAR A. AL-HARTOMY, M. CAVAS, FARID EL-TANTAWY, F. YAKUPHANOGLU, Modification of interface states and series resistance properties of Al/p-type Si Schottky diode with HF chemical treatment,  OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS– RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 6(1-2), pages 292– 295 (2012).


20-  A.A. Al-Ghamdi, O.A. Al-Hartomy, R. Gupta, F. El-Tantawy, E. Taskan, H. Hasar and F. Yakuphanoglu, A DNA Biosensor Based Interface States of a Metal_Insulator_Semiconductor Diode for Biotechnology Applications, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 121(3), Pages 673-677 (2012).


21-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova and Farid El-Tantawy, SOME FACTORS DETERMINING THE VOLUME RESISTIVITY OF FILLED NATURAL RUBBER-BASED NANOCOMPOSITES, Progeress in Plastics, Rubber and Recycling Technology, 28(3), pages 95-110 (2012).


22-  A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, F. Al-Salamy, Attieh A. Al-Ghamdi, E. H. El- Mossalamy, A. M. Abdel Daiem, Farid El-Tantawy, Novel Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness in the Microwave Band of Magnetic Nitrile Butadiene Rubber/Magnetite Nano Composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125(4), Pages 2604-2613 (2012).


23-  R.K. Gupta, A.A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar Al-Hartomy, H. Hasar, Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Series resistance controlling photosensor of Ag/DNA/p-Si/Al diode, Synthetic Metals ,162, Pages  981– 987 (2012).


24-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Salamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy, Influence of Elastomeric Matrix Chemical Nature on the Electrical Properties and Shielding Effectiveness of Composites, Containing Conductive Carbon Black, International Review of Chemical Engineering, 4(2), Pages 147-155  (2012).


25-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, M. A. Ibrahim, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Milcho Ivanov, Mihail Mihaylov and Farid El-Tantawy,  Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis and Low Frequency Dielectric Properties of Siloxane/ TiB2 Nanocomposites, Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe, 6, Pages 71-75 (2012).


26-  A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Faten Al-Hazmi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy , Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, A novel synthesis and optical properties of cuprous oxide nano octahedrons via microwave hydrothermal route, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 63(1), Pages 187-193 (2012).


27-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, , Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy,  Microwave Absorbing Properties of Chloroprene Rubber Composites  Containing Carbon Black and Nickel Powder, International Review of Chemical Engineering, 4(3), Pages 274-279  (2012).


28-  Omar A Al-Hartomy, MA Ibrahim, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Milcho Ivanov, Mihail Mihaylov and Farid El-Tantawy, Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis and dielectric thermal analysis of siloxane rubber-based composites filled with carbon black, Journal of Composite Materials 46(14), Pages 1765–1770 (2012).


29-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Vladimir Iliev, Ibrahim Mutlay, Farid El-Tantawy,  Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Natural Rubber Based Nanocomposites Containing Graphene, Materials Sciences and Applications, 3(7), Pages 453-459 (2012)


30-  S. Mansouri, R. Bourguiga, A.A. Al-Ghamdi, Faten Al-Hazmi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu,  Dynamic charge transport in pentacene and zinc oxide thin-film transistors: Dark and UV illumination conditions, Synthetic Metals 162(17-18), Pages 1681– 1688 (2012).


31-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Salamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy, Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelets /Carbon Black Filled Natural Rubber Composites, International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 2(3), Pages  116-122 (2012).


32-   D.-T. Phan, R.K. Gupta, G.-S. Chung, A.A. Al-Ghamd, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, F. El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Photodiodes based on graphene oxide–silicon junctions, Solar Energy 86(10), Pages 2961–2966 (2012).


33-  C. Aydın, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, F. Al-Hazmi, I. S. Yahia, F. El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Controlling of crystal size and optical band gap of CdO nanopowder semiconductors by low and high Fe contents, Journal Electroceramic, 29(2), Pages 155-162 (2012).


34-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Falleh R. Al-Solamy, N. Dishovsky, M. Mihaylov, V. Iliev, and Farid El-Tantawy, Effect of Furnace Carbon Black on the Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Chloroprene Rubber Composites, Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe, Pages 43-48 (2012).


35-  M. A. Ibrahim, Falleh Al-Solamy, Omar Al-Hartomy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Farid El-Tantawy, Electrocatalytic Reduction of Oxygen on Ni/Graphite Nanoparticles, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology,9(4), Pages 041003-041007 (2012).


36-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Mohd Ubaidullah, Sarvari Khatoon, Jamal H. Madani and Tokeer Ahmad, Synthesis, Characterization and Dielectric Properties of Nanocrystalline  Ba1-xPbxZrO3  (0≤x≤075) by Polymeric Citrate Precusrsor Route, Journal of Materials Research, 27(19), Pages 2479-2488 (2012).


37-  M. CAVAS, M. ENVER AYDIN, A. A. AL-GHAMDI, OMAR A. AL-HARTOMY, FARID EL-TANTAWY, F. YAKUPHANOGLU, Improved electrical and photosensing properties of CuPc phtalocyanine/p-silicon diode by nanostructure, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 14(9- 10), Pages 798 803 (2012).


38-  Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Faten Al-Hazmi, Fowzia Alnowaiser, Reem M. Al-Tuwirqi, Attieh A. Al-Ghamdi,  Omar. A. Alhartomy, Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, A new facile synthesis of ultra fine magnesium oxide nanowires and optical properties, Journal of Electroceramics, 29(3), Pages 198-203 (2012).


39-   R. K. Gupta,  A. A. Al-Ghamdi,  Omar A. Al-Hartomy , Faten Al-Hazmi,  F. El-Tantawy , F. Yakuphanoglu, Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured aluminum borate by sol–gel method, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 64(1), Pages 100-103 (2012).


40-  M. Cavas , R. K. Gupta , A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy , Farid El-Tantawy ,F. Yakuphanoglu, Fabrication and electrical characterization of transparent NiO/ZnO p–n junction by the sol–gel spin coating method, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 64(1), Pages 219-223 (2012).


41-  MEHMET ENVER AYDIN, A. A. AL-GHAMDI, OMAR A. AL-HARTOMY, FARID EL-TANTAWY,F. YAKUPHANOGLU, Improved electrical and photosensing properties of CuPc phtalocyanine/p-silicon diode by nanostructure, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 14(9,10), PAGES 798-803 (2012). 


42-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A.Al-Ghamdi, Falleh R.Al-Solamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Mihail Mihaylov, Milcho Ivanov, Farid El-Tantawy, A comparative study on the effect produced by fillers specifics on the dynamic mechanical and dielectric properties of natural rubber based composites,  Research Reviews in Polymer, 3(3), Pages 93-101 (2012).


43-   Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A.Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy, Comparative study of the influence of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets on dielectric and microwave properties of conductive rubber composites,  Research Reviews in Polymer, 3(3), Pages 107-116 (2012).


44-  O. A. Al-Hartomy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, F. Al-Salamy, N. Dishovsky, R. Shtarkova, V. Iliev and F. El-Tantawy, Dielectric and microwave properties of carbon nanotubes/carbon black filled natural rubber composites, Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 41(10), Pages 408-412 (2012).


45-  H. Aydin, Sh. A. Mansour, C. Aydin, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Optical properties of nanostructure boron doped NiO thin films, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 64(3), Pages 728-733 (2012).


46-  Omar A Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A Al-Ghamdi, Falleh R Al-Solamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Desislava  Slavcheva, Vladimir Iliev and Farid El-Tantawy, Dielectric and microwave properties of natural rubber-based composites tailored by the fillers specific features, Journal of  Materials: Design and Applications, 227(2), Pages 168-176 (2012)


47-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Vladimir Iliev, Farid El-Tantawy Comparison of microwave absorbing properties of chloroprene rubber composites containing carbon black nickel/cobalt powder Journal of Elastomers and Plastics,45(5), Pages 471-485 (2012).


48-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Vladimir Iliev and Farid El-Tantawy Dielectric and microwave properties of siloxane rubber/carbon black nanocomposites and their correlation,,International Journal of Polymer Sciences, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 837803, 7pages doi:10.1155/2011/837803.


49-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solami, , Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Milcho Ivanov, Mihail Mihaylov and Farid El-Tantawy, Influence of Carbon Blacks Structure and Specific Surface Area on the Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Filled Rubber Composites, International Journal of Polymer Science, Volume 2011, Article ID 521985, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/521985.


50-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Salamy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Attieh A. Al-Ghamdi, A. M. Abdel Daiem, Farid El-Tantawy, New Resistive Switching and Self Regulating Heating in Foliated Graphite/Nickel Polyvinyl Chloride Nanocomposites, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2011, Article ID 694879, 10 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/694879.


51-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Solamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Mihail Mihaylov, Milcho Ivanov, Farid El-Tantawy, Influence of matrices chemical nature on the dynamic mechanical and dielectric properties of rubber composites comprising conductive carbon black, Journal of Polymer Research,19(16), Pages online, DOI 10.1007/s10965-012-0016-12012.


52-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Salamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Desislava Slavcheva, and Farid El-Tantawy, Properties of Natural Rubber-Based Composites Containing Fullerene, International Journal of Polymer Science ,Volume 2012, Article ID 967276, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2012/967276.




53-  A.A. Al-Ghamdi, O.A. Al-Hartomy, F. El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, A pentacene thin film transistor with good performance using sol–gel derived SiO2 gate dielectric layer, Solid State Sciences,16, Pages 111-116 (2013).


54-  A. A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, Attieh A. Al-Ghamdi, Farid El-Tantawy, Electromagnetic wave shielding and microwave absorbing properties of hybrid epoxy resin/foliated graphite nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 127(3), Pages: 2227–2234 (2013).


55-  Sarvari Khatoon, Irshad A. Wani, Jahangeer Ahmed, Travis Magdaleno, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Tokeer Ahmad, Effect of high manganese substitution at ZnO host lattice using solvothermal method: Structural characterization and properties, Materials Chemistry and Physics,138, Pages 519-528  (2013).


56-  O. A. Al-Hartomy, AA Al=Ghamdi, F. EL-Tantawy and MM El-Desoky,Effect of nanocrystallization on the structural and electrical conductivity enhancement of vanadium-based glasses, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 48(8), Pages 3067-3074 (2013).


57-  Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, F. Al-Hazmi, R. M. Al-Tuwirqi, F. Alnowaiser, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Farid El Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Synthesis, Magnetic and Ethanol Gas Sensing Properties of Semiconducting Magnetite Nanoparticles, Solid State Sciences,19, Pages 111-116 (2013). 


58-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Mohd Ubaidullah, Dinesh Kumar, Jamal H. Madani and Tokeer Ahmad, Dielectric properties of Ba1-xSrxZrO3 (0 # x # 1) nanoceramics developed by citrate precursor route, Journal of Materials Research, 28(8), Pages 1070-1077  (2013).


59-  S. Mansouri, N. Ben Mansour, L. El Mir, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Said A Farha Al Said, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, F. Yakuphanoglu,Threshold voltage under white light illumination of zinc oxide based TFT in saturation regime, Superlattices and Microstructures 62, Pages 12–20 (2013).


60-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Salamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Desislava Slavcheva, Vladimir Iliev and Farid El-Tantawy,  Effect of Matrix Chemical Nature on the Properties of Composites for Microwave Absorbers, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering,52, Pages 1113-1121, (2013).


61-  Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Attieh A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed M. Nawar, E. El-Gazzar,  Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Novel photoconductive Ag/nanostructure ruthenium oxide/p-type silicon Schottky barrier diode by sol–gel method,  Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 67(2), Pages 368-375 (2013).


62-   B. Gunduz, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Said A Farha Al Said, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, F. Yakuphanoglu, Controlling of photoresponse properties of pentacene thin film phototransistors by dielectric layer thickness and channel widths, Synthetic Metals, (179), Pages 94–115 (2013).


63-  S. Mansouri, L. El Mir, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Said A. Farha Al Said, F. Yakuphanoglu, Characterization and modeling of TIPS-pentacene-poly(3-hexyl) thiophene blend organic thin film transistor, Synthetic Metals (185– 186), Pages153– 158 (2013).


64-  M. Soylu , Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Said A Farha Al Said, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, I.S. Yahia,Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu ,Controlling of conduction mechanism and electronic parameters of silicon–metal junction by mixed Methylene Blue/20-70-dichlorofluorescein, Microelectronics Reliability, (53), pages 1901-1906 (2013).


65-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, AA Al-Ghamdi, , F Al-Solamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, R Shtarkova, , Vladimir Iliev,  Farid El-Tantawy,   Effect of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets on the dielectric and microwave properties of natural rubber composites, ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 22(5), Pages: 361-376   (2013)




66-  AA Al-Ghamdi, Omar A Al-Hartomy, F Al-Solamy, Faten Al-Hazmi, Attieh A Al-Ghamdi, EH El-Mossalamy  and Farid El-Tantawy, On the prospects of conducting polyaniline/natural rubber composites for electromagnetic shielding effectiveness applications, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials,27(6) Pages 765-782 (2014).


67-  AA Al-Ghamdi, Omar A Al-Hartomy, F Al-Solamy, Attieh A Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, EH El-Mossalamy  and Farid El-Tantawy, Dielectric and microwave properties of polyvinyl chloride/ graphite/nickel composites and its applications, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 27(4) 528-540 (2014).


68-  R.K. Gupta, A. A. Hendi, M. Cavas,_Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, R.H. Aloraini, F. El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu, Improvement of photoresponse properties of NiO/pSi photodiodes by copper dopant, Physica E: (56), Pages 288-296 (2014).




70-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, Nikolay Dishovsky, Rossitsa Shtarkova, Vladimir Iliev, Ibrahim Mutlay and  Farid El-Tantawy, Effects of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on the Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Natural Rubber Based Composite, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 22(7), Pages 618-629 (2014).


71-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Falleh Al-Salamy, Nikolay Dishovsky, Desislava Slavcheva, Vladimir Iliev and  Farid El-Tantawy, Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Fullerenes Containing Natural Rubber-based Nanocomposites, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures,22(4), Pages 332-345 (2014).  


72-  Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, H. Bostancı,  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, M. Soylu, Farid El-Tantawy, and F. Yakuphanoglu, Preparation of Tungsten Trioxide Nanorods by Hydrothermal Route: n-Tungsten Trioxide Nanorods/p-Silicon p–n Junction, ournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics  9, Pages 1–7 (2014)


73-  Tokeer Ahmad, Irshad A. Wani, Jahangeer Ahmed, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Effect of gold ion concentration on size and properties of gold nanoparticles in TritonX-100 based inverse microemulsions, Applied Nanoscience, 4(4), Pages 491-498 (2014).   


74-   O. A. Al-Hartomy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, S. A. Fahra Al-Said, N. Dishovsky, M. Mihaylov, M. Ivanov, Influence of Various Types of Fatty Acid Zinc Soaps on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Silica Filled Composites Based on Natural Rubber, International Review of Chemical Engineering, 6(2), Pages 108-115 (2014).


75-  Ahmed A.  Al-Ghamdi, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, M. El Okr, A.M. Nawar, S. El-Gazzar, Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu,  Semiconducting properties of Al doped ZnO thin Films Original ,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 131, Pages 512-517 (2014).


76-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Synthesis, characterization, photocatalytic and photovoltaic performance of Ag doped TiO2 loaded on the Pt–carbon spheres, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 27, Pages 71–78 (2014).


77-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, R.K. Gupta, Ahmed. A. Al-Ghamdi, F. Yakuphanoglu, High performance organic-on-inorganic hybrid photodiodes based on organic semiconductor-graphene oxide blends, Synthetic Metals,195, Pages  217–221 (2014).


78-   Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Said A. Farha Al-Said, Nikolay Dishovsky, Michael B. Ward, Petrunka Malinova, Mihail Mihaylov, A Comparative Study of the Phase Distribution in Carbon-Silica Hybrid Fillers for Rubber Obtained by Different Methods, Materials Sciences and Applications, 5, Pages  685-697 (2014).


79-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Said A. Farha Al-Said, Nikolay Dishovsky, Mihail Mihaylov, M. Ivanov, Influence of Various Types of Fatty Acid Zinc Soaps on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Silica Filled Composites Based on Natural Rubber, International Review of Chemical Engineering,(6)2, Pages  108-115 (2014).


80-  M. Soylu, Omar A Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A Al-Ghamdi, Farid El-Tantawy, F. Yakuphanoglu The electrical characterization of ZnO/GaAs heterojunction diode, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 64, Pages 240-245 (2014).


81-  Syed Khasim and Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Fabrication and Gas sensitivity in Heterostructures of Ortho –  chloropolyaniline / ZnO nanocomposites, RSC Adv., 4, Pages 39844-39852 (2014).


82-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Synthesis and characterization of double walled Carbon nanotube/cobalt oxide nanacomposite for the application of anode material for lithium ion batteries, International Journal of Nanoparticles7(2), Pages 133-141 (2014).


83-  Tokeer Ahmad, Sarvari Khatoon, Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Solvothermal synthesis of Zn1_xMnxO nanoparticles using oxalate precursor route: Optical and magnetic propertie, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Online (2013)


84-  Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi,  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Farid El-Tantawy,  F. Yakuphanoglu,  Novel polyvinyl alcohol/silver hybrid nanocomposites for high performance electromagnetic wave shielding effectiveness, Microsystem Technologies, DOI 10.1007/s00542-014-2120-0, online (2014).


85-  Omar A Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A Al-Ghamdi, Said A Farha Al Said, Nikolay T Dishovsky, Petrunka A Malinova, Radostin N Nikolov, Effect of carbon–silica dual phase filler obtained by impregnation method on the properties of SBR-based composites, Journal of  Materials: Design and Applications, (2014).


86-  Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Said A. Farha Al-Said, Nikolay Dishovsky, Mihail Mihaylov, Milcho Ivanov, Petar Kolev, Ljutzkan Ljutzkanov, Influence of Various Types of Fatty Acid Zinc Soaps on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Silica Filled Composites Based on Natural Rubber, International Review of Chemical Engineering, 6(2)(2014).



الأبحاث المنشورة

1-     Omar Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solamy, A. A. Al-Ghamdi, M. Abdel Fatah, Nikolay Dishovsky, Farid El-Tantawy, Polymer Composition for Microwave Absorption and Electromagnetic Wave Shielding, Registration Number  BG Pat. 110834/19.01.2011, Accepted, Bulgaria.


2-     Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solami, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nickolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova, Farid El-Tantawy Electroconductive composite material, Registration Number BG Pat. 110954/02.06.2011, Accepted,   Bulgaria.


3-     Omar A. Al-Hartomy, Falleh Al-Solami, Ahmed A. Al-Ghamdi, Nickolay Dishovsky, Petrunka Malinova, Farid El-Tantawy, Electromagnetic radiation absorbing and shielding composite Registration number BG Pat. 10955/02.06.2011. , Accepted, Bulgaria.


براءاة الاختراع





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9/19/2014 9:30:00 PM